Results for 'Fábio Mosso Moreira'

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  1.  14
    A máquina retórica de Barthes: mitologia e conotação nas redes digitais.Cristian Berrio-Zapata, Fábio Mosso Moreira & Ricardo César Gonçalves Sant'Ana - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (2):135-157.
    This article explores the social representation of Information Technology and Network Society from Barthes' semiology, using his ideas about myth creation and the connotation of ideological discourses through naturalization. Supplemented with some concepts from Peirce and Santaella, we try to identify and understand these mystification mechanisms and how they affect the creation of an information order; in this case, a digital order. We conclude that we are before an evangelizing discursive alignment based on mythical elements arisen from our aversion to (...)
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    Expandir, repetir, conservar: a sexualidade sob o Eros freudiano.Fábio Moreira Vargas - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):126-151.
    O presente artigo deseja evidenciar que, ainda que a libido e a sexualidade tenham sido incluídas no conceito de Eros a partir de Além do princípio do prazer, a sexualidade no interior no pensamento freudiana não perdeu seu caráter disruptivo e não deixou de ser considerada como causa de profundas perturbações para a vida psíquica humana. Para tal, serão reconstruídos os argumentos sobre a natureza conservadora das pulsões e se procurará propor a ideia de que os conceitos de expansão, repetição (...)
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  3. “Personagens Psicopáticos No Teatro”: Indicações Sobre a Interpretação Freudiana da Tragédia.Fábio Moreira Vargas - 2020 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 12 (33):36-64.
    O presente artigo deseja evidenciar a interpretação freudiana do drama trágico através dos conceitos e estratégias próprias à psicanálise. Ao evidenciar este movimento interpretativo, oferecemos algumas indicações conceituais sobre o que seria uma estética freudiana: seu modo de proceder, de analisar, de interpretar objetos artísticos. Para tal, traçamos brevemente algumas linhas diretrizes da poética aristotélica e evidenciamos a peculiaridade da análise de Freud sobre o drama trágico.
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    Resenhas v. 2 n. 3.Wander Moreira da Costa, Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista & Victor René Villavicencio Matienzo - 2003 - Horizonte 2 (3):139-142.
    GALIMBERTI, Umberto. Rastros do Sagrado: o Cristianismo e a dessacralização do Sagrado. Wander Moreira da Costa KONINGS, Johan S. J. Ser cristão: fé e prática. Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista KONINGS, Johan S. J. Liturgia dominical: mistério de Cristo e formação dos fiéis (anos A-B-C) Victor René Villavicencio Matienzo.
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    Para Introduzir o Antinarciso e a Pulsão Primária Em Psicanálise.Manuel Moreira da Silva - 2024 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 40 (1).
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    The indispensability of race in medicine.Ludovica Lorusso & Fabio Bacchini - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (5):421-434.
    A movement asking to take race out of medicine is growing in the US. While we agree with the necessity to get rid of flawed assumptions about biological race that pervade automatic race correction in medical algorithms, we urge caution about insisting on a blanket eliminativism about race in medicine. If we look at racism as a fundamental cause, in the sense that this notion has been introduced in epidemiological studies by Bruce Link and Jo Phelan, we must conclude that (...)
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    High Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Professionalism : A New Resource for Workers in the 21st Century.Letizia Palazzeschi, Ornella Bucci & Annamaria Di Fabio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  8. Ley y sindéresis en santo Tomas de Aquino.Fabio Morandín - 2015 - Stoa 6 (11):43-60.
    En este artículo se plantean algunas consideraciones clásicas que santo Tomás de Aquino formuló sobre la fundamentación de la ley como producto de la razón y su relación con las leyes de los hombres. Se analiza el papel de la sindéresis como vínculo del individuo con la ius naturae y se concluye que la vida buena tiene un referente en el “estado de derecho” y en la práctica sistemática de las virtudes morales.
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  9. Are Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Really Self-Defeating?Fabio Sterpetti - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):877-889.
    Evolutionary Debunking Arguments are defined as arguments that appeal to the evolutionary genealogy of our beliefs to undermine their justification. Recently, Helen De Cruz and her co-authors supported the view that EDAs are self-defeating: if EDAs claim that human arguments are not justified, because the evolutionary origin of the beliefs which figure in such arguments undermines those beliefs, and EDAs themselves are human arguments, then EDAs are not justified, and we should not accept their conclusions about the fact that human (...)
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  10. 29 Carl Schmitt.Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito - 2009 - In Jenny Edkins & Nick Vaughan-Williams (eds.), Critical theorists and international relations. New York, N.Y.: Routledge. pp. 305.
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    Sources of Law Are not Legal Norms.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (1):15-30.
    Anglo-American authors have paid little attention to a subtle distinction that has important jurisprudential implications. It is the distinction between sources of law and the legal norms which can be derived from sources by means of interpretation. The distinction might also be rendered as a threefold one, separating sources of law from legal norms and both of these from that which mediates their relation, namely, methods of legal interpretation. This paper intends to state the “source-norm” distinction clearly and to give (...)
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    Spatial Ethics Beyond the North–South Dichotomy: Moral Dilemmas in Favelas.Daniel S. Lacerda, Fabio B. Meira & Vanessa Brulon - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):695-707.
    Western representation of countries from the Global South implies a dichotomist view of business ethics: on the one hand, universal ethics largely reproduces commonsensical views of the South as ‘less ethical’, and on the other hand, voices from the South are often conditioned to present themselves as substantially indigenous and unambiguous to be accepted as legitimate ethical subjects. We join the growing interest in bridging this gap by drawing on studies from human geography, and ask to what extent the materiality (...)
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  13. Brill Online Books and Journals.Peter Kingsley, Fabio Morales, Paula Gottlieb, Kelly Rogers, Richard Bett, Bob Sharples & Anne Sheppard - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3).
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    Probabilistic reasoning about epistemic action narratives.Fabio Aurelio D'Asaro, Antonis Bikakis, Luke Dickens & Rob Miller - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103352.
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  15. Formalizing Darwinism, Naturalizing Mathematics.Fabio Sterpetti - 2015 - Paradigmi. Rivista di Critica Filosofica 33 (2):133-160.
    In the last decades two different and apparently unrelated lines of research have increasingly connected mathematics and evolutionism. Indeed, on the one hand different attempts to formalize darwinism have been made, while, on the other hand, different attempts to naturalize logic and mathematics have been put forward. Those researches may appear either to be completely distinct or at least in some way convergent. They may in fact both be seen as supporting a naturalistic stance. Evolutionism is indeed crucial for a (...)
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    Kant no Século XXI.Keberson Bresolin & Carolina Moreira Paulsen - 2024 - Princípios 31 (64).
    O presente artigo busca expor, sucintamente, o direito cosmopolita kantiano como um princípio aplicável à situação dos refugiados no mundo atual. Para isso, primeiro será exposto o conceito de direito cosmopolita na obra À Paz Perpétua (1795), de Kant. Em um segundo momento, será abordada a formação do pensamento cosmopolita kantiano, como uma ideia oposta ao egoísmo, na sua cidade natal de Königsberg. Por fim, apresentaremos uma história de refúgio do mundo atual e a cotejaremos com o princípio de hospitalidade (...)
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    Inspiring or annoying? A new measure of broadening and defensive self-regulatory responses to moral exemplars applied to two real-life scenarios of moral goodness.Antonio Fabio Bella - 2024 - Journal of Moral Education 53 (1):31-55.
    ABSTRACT I present a new model of the self-regulation of virtue that integrates perspectives on emotion, cognition, and motivation. Across three vignette-based studies in US/uk (N = 1,540), I developed through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis a multi-item measure of broadening and defensive responses, the Self-Regulation of Virtue Inventory (SRVI). I applied that measurement model to two new scenarios portraying prototypical moral exemplars (selected from a set of 12) and fitted structural models that identify key antecedents: motivational dispositions (regulatory focus (...)
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    Art and Image in Henri Maldiney's Aesthetics.Alexandra M. Moreira do Carmo - 2019 - Phainomenon 29 (1):135-159.
    In the debate over the ontological structures of the entity that exists as being-in-the-world, the French philosopher Henri Maldiney focuses his theoretical developments on the unintentional and pre-predicative dimension of experience, where sensing (sentir) takes its origin, and based on which the Existentials of “encounter”, “surprise” and “rhythm”, that are key to understanding the aesthetic-artistic experience, are explained in the horizon of transpassibility and transpossibility. Given that that dimension is the privileged field of encounter with art, this paper will raise (...)
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    Deus no século XXI e o futuro do cristianismo.Anselmo Borges & Adriano Moreira (eds.) - 2007 - Porto: Campo das Letras.
    'Deus no Século XXI e o Futuro do Cristianismo' é uma colectânea de textos organizada por Anselmo Borges de grande interesse e qualidade. Reúne comunicações ao Congresso Internacional com o mesmo título realizado no Seminário da Boa Nova, Valadares, de 8 a 11 de Setembro de 2005, no âmbito das comemorações do 75o Aniversário da Sociedade Missionária Portuguesa.
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  20. Educação no MST ea experiência do curso de magistério.Antônio Cláudio Moreira Costa - 1999 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 1 (2):p - 63.
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  21. (1 other version)O anjo da história e a memória das vítimas: o caso da ditadura militar no Brasil.José Carlos Moreira da Silva Filho - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (2):150-178.
    O artigo se apóia na filosofia da história da Walter Benjamin para denunciar a barbárie que se aloja na base da sociedade ocidental e promove a exclusão e o esquecimento das vítimas. Indica o papel político da memória na construção da democracia e no resgate da dignidade humana, reconhecida a partir da alteridade evidenciada no sofrimento, seguindo mais de perto a experiência das ditaduras latinoamericanas, em especial, a da ditadura militar brasileira. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Justiça das vítimas. Memória política. História e (...)
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    Long-Term Promotive and Protective Effects of Early Childcare Quality on the Social–Emotional Development in Children.Corina Wustmann Seiler, Fabio Sticca, Olivia Gasser-Haas & Heidi Simoni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:854756.
    The present study aimed to examine the longitudinal promotive and protective role of process quality in regular early childhood education and care (ECEC) centers in the context of early cumulative family risks on children’s social–emotional development from early to middle childhood. The sample consisted of 293 (T1;Mage = 2.81), 239 (T2;Mage = 3.76), and 189 (T3;Mage = 9.69) children from 25 childcare centers in Switzerland. Fourteen familial risk factors were subsumed to a family risk score at T1. Parents and teachers (...)
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    Psychological androgyny: A concept in search of Lesser substance. Towards the understanding of the transformation of a social representation.Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):137–155.
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  24. Lettere alla storia: Luigi Sturzo attraverso il suo epistolario.Fabio Rossi E. Piersandro Vanzan Sj - 2007 - Studium 103 (3):329-342.
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    Medial orbital gyrus modulation during spatial perspective changes: Pre- vs. post-8weeks mindfulness meditation.Barbara Tomasino, Fabio Campanella & Franco Fabbro - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 40:147-158.
  26. Scientific Realism, Adaptationism and the Problem of the Criterion.Fabio Sterpetti - 2015 - Kairos 13 (1):7-45.
    Scientific Realism (SR) has three crucial aspects: 1) the centrality of the concept of truth, 2) the idea that success is a reliable indicator of truth, and 3) the idea that the Inference to the Best Explanation is a reliable inference rule. It will be outlined how some realists try to overcome the difficulties which arise in justifying such crucial aspects relying on an adaptationist view of evolutionism, and why such attempts are inadequate. Finally, we will briefly sketch some of (...)
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  27. Mentalidad hispanoamericana: Samuel Ramos ante la construcción del concepto situado de hombre.Fabio Morandín - 2015 - Stoa 6 (12):3-32.
    The main theme of this work is rescue the Samuel Ramos proposal for a philosophical anthropology from his new humanism. Two main issues discussed: the dichotomy material-spiritual world; and the sense of complexity that resizes the man as ideal being or identity in response to the Kantian question: Was ist der Mensch?
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  28. Gramsci’s ‘Non-contemporaneity’.Fabio Frosini - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (2):117-134.
    Peter D. Thomas’s book The Gramscian Moment: Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism draws us to reflect on a point that Gramsci’s interpreters have often neglected: the particular structure of the Prison Notebooks, i.e., the ways in which the text was constituted and, dependent on that, the fundamental methodological criteria for its interpretation. Thomas’s book is a consummate synthesis between the deep and detailed study of the Notebooks text and the need to reconstruct some order within; between close historicalphilosophical assessment and theoretical (...)
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  29. Vision, Image and Symbol.Fabio Fossa - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (2):165-174.
    During the Fifties and the Early Sixties Hans Jonas developed a theory of man based on a series of concepts as separation of form from matter, image and symbol. By reflecting on these themes, Jonas seems to refer to the aesthetic abilities man embodies as the essence of human life. In this article I try to analyse Jonas’ thoughts on man and to determine to what extent it is possible to consider his theory as an aesthetic anthropology. Eventually, I discuss (...)
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    On Kant’s First Insight into the Problem of Space Dimensionality and its Physical Foundations.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (4):547-560.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 4 Seiten: 547-560.
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    The metaphysics of properties and relations.Ilaria Canavotto, Fabio Ceravolo & Maria Scarpati - 2015 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior 6 (2):76-113.
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    (1 other version)Apresentação.Fabio Caprio Leite De Castro & Evandro Pontel - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (2):e35382.
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    The illusionist and the folk: On the role of conscious planning in intentionality judgments.Silvia Felletti & Fabio Paglieri - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):871-888.
    Illusionism is a prominent hypothesis about action control, according to which acts that we consider voluntary are nevertheless caused by unconscious brain events, and thus our subjective experience of consciously willing them is ultimately illusory. Illusionism can be understood as either an ontological thesis or a phenomenological claim, but both versions are vulnerable to a line of attack based on the role of long-term planning in action control. According to this objection, the evidence upon which illusionism rests is confined to (...)
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    Estudio sobre problemas de la filiosofía analítica.Hector Fabio González - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (110):4.
    Alejandro Tomasini ha indicado, muy lúcidamente, la necesidad de pensar los problemas filosóficos en lengua castellana. Más aún, ha sugerido que es posible tratar los problemas propios de la filosofía analítica por medio de la lengua castellana y que, por otra parte, es necesario en nuestro continente pensar los problemas y enfrentarlos analíticamente. Independientemente de su alcance teórico, el mérito del libro que presentamos, Lecturas analíticas: una introducción a temas y problemas de la filosofía analítica, apunta a esa dirección.
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    Ética na pesquisa em saúde: avanços e desafios.Dirce Guilhem & Fabio Zicker (eds.) - 2007 - Brasília: Editora UnB.
    Neste livro, novos desafios da ética em pesquisa com seres humanos são explorados pelos autores - da pesquisa com populações vulneráveis às pesquisas em Ciências Sociais. Dentre os destaques da obra está o caso do Sangue Yanomami e a pesquisa antropológica e genética conduzida nos anos 1970.
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    Light Has Been Thrown (on Human Origins): a Brief History of Palaeoanthropology, with Notes on the "Punctuated" Origin of Homo Sapiens.Giorgio Manzi & Fabio Di Vincenzo - 2013 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 6 (2):31-48.
    “Light will be thrown on the origin of man and his history”: this was the single line that Charles Darwin devoted to human evolution in the Origin of Species (1859). At present, there is a number of extinct species, which we understand to be related to human evolution, demonstrating that the Darwin’s prediction was correct: light has been thrown, indeed. Moreover, the science of human origin (or palaeoanthropology) appears to be able to shed much light not only on the natural (...)
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  37. Contingenza e verità della politica. Due studi su Machiavelli.Fabio Frosini (ed.) - 2001 - Roma: Kappa.
  38. Variation within and across Romance Languages. Selected papers from the 41st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages.Patricia Amaral & Fabio Del Prete - 2014
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    Skoteinos ou como se ler: Adorno leitor de Hegel.Fábio Caires Correia & Oneide Perius - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (2):765-779.
    Nosso objetivo neste trabalho é tentar esclarecer o mal-estar causado por algumas leituras que muitas vezes despacham a influência e a presença constante de Hegel na obra de Adorno de forma muito breve e fácil, seja a partir da perspectiva antissistêmica da filosofia adorniana, ou então, desde a perspectiva negativa que a dialética assume em seu pensamento. Nesse sentido, pretendemos expor alguns pontos fundamentais da filosofia hegeliana, em relação aos quais Adorno se coloca claramente como herdeiro. Pretendemos mostrar que o (...)
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    Tra scienza e filosofia.Domenico Costantini & Fabio Minazzio (eds.) - 1988 - [Milano]: Marcos y Marcos.
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  41. Exposição de arte.José Paulo Moreira da Fonseca - 1965 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Tempo Brasileiro.
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    (1 other version)Aristóteles, inesse, Leibniz.Vivianne De Castilho Moreira - 2014 - Dois Pontos 11 (2).
    Em diversas ocasiões, Leibniz recorre à autoridade de Aristóteles a fim de roborar sua tese da verdade como inerência do predicado ao sujeito da proposição. Não é, contudo, evidente em que medida a filosofia aristotélica poderia oferecer amparo a essa reivindica- ção. Afinal, a Aristóteles tradicionalmente se atribui uma concepção de verdade diferente, consistente em uma relação de correspondência entre a proposição e a realidade que ela se destina a descrever. Sem discutir a conhecida tese da verdade como correspondência, este (...)
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  43. Contemplación y discreción según el autor de" La nube del no-saber".Lino Correia Marques de Miranda Moreira - 2008 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 32 (65):119-130.
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    Do Maracanazo ao Mineiratzen: um estudo da memória a partir das narrativas da imprensa na Copa de 2014.Ronaldo George Helal & Fábio Aguiar Lisboa - 2016 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 23 (1).
    O presente trabalho se propõe a analisar as narrativas da imprensa brasileira sobre a derrota de 7 a 1 do Brasil para a Alemanha em partida válida pela semifinal da Copa do Mundo de 2014, buscando identificar como a memória é acionada nesta oportunidade. Para isto se parte de uma hipótese, a de que algumas narrativas deste revés provavelmente se tornarão lembranças que futuramente serão acionadas por jornalistas esportivos quando se falar deste jogo.
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  45. Y por qué no caminar bailando?Fabio Restrepo Hernández - 2018 - In Lucas Ariza Parrado (ed.), El temple de la arquitectura: reflexiones sobre danza y arquitectura desde el flamenco. Bogotá , Colombia: Ediciones Uniandes.
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    Razionalità e Strutture Complesse di Comportamento.Samuele Iaquinto & Fabio Patrone - 2013 - In Matteo Andreozzi, S. Castignone & Alma Massaro (eds.), Emotività Animali: Ricerche e Discipline a Confronto. LED. pp. 109-116.
    In questo capitolo delineeremo un approfondimento del criterio davidsoniano di razionalità, sulla base di alcune riflessioni sul ruolo che le credenze in prima persona sembrano rivestire nel comportamento di agenti cognitivi razionali. Più precisamente, difenderemo la tesi secondo cui, perlomeno all’interno di un framework davidsoniano, l’attribuzione di razionalità agli agenti cognitivi, umani e non, richiede una previa attribuzione di credenze in prima persona.
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    Les lectures de Gaston Bachelard.Jean Libis, Fabio Ferreira, Catherine Gublin & Sarah Mezaguer (eds.) - 2011 - Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
    La teneur d'un ouvrage philosophique dépend à la fois des thèses qui y sont déployées par son auteur et des références dont celui-ci se nourrit. Dans l'oeuvre de Gaston Bachelard, le système référentiel est tout particulièrement abondant : comme si le philosophe redoutait secrètement la vaticination, préférant étayer ses affirmations par des matériaux qu'il puise dans l'univers, pour ainsi dire illimité, de ses lectures. De fait, il n'a jamais caché avoir été un lecteur boulimique, insatiable. Ce faisant, il oublie de (...)
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    A Repetição de Uma Singularidade: Fenomenologia Do Déjà Vu.Stefano Micali & Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2024 - Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences 5 (3):212-223.
    A fenomenologia tem como objetivo analisar os momentos constitutivos de diferentes experiências, fazendo justiça às suas formas específicas de aparecimento. Ao fazer isso, ela pode tornar visíveis (e, portanto, corrigir) as suposições problemáticas consideradas válidas desde o início. Estas suposições distorcem e manipulam coerentemente os fenômenos de tal forma que os fenômenos são transformados em algo radicalmente diferente. O fenômeno do déjà vu é muito interessante, nesse sentido, por duas diferentes razões. O déjà vu é transformado em um fenômeno diferente (...)
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    Think positive! Resolving human motion ambiguity in the presence of disease threat.Ana C. Magalhães, Fábio Silva, Inês Lameirinha, Mariana Rodrigues & Sandra C. Soares - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (1):71-89.
    Recently, approach-avoidance tendencies and visual perception biases have been increasingly studied using bistable point-light walkers (PLWs). Prior studies have found a facing-the-viewer bias when one is primed with general threat stimuli (e.g. angry faces), explained by the “error management theory”, as failing to detect a threat as approaching is riskier than the opposite. Importantly, no study has explored how disease threat – linked to the behavioural immune system – might affect this bias. This study aimed to explore whether disease-signalling cues (...)
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    Trust, argumentation and technology.Fabio Paglieri - 2014 - Argument and Computation 5 (2-3):119-122.
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